Lake Weed Harvesting Services

Lakeweed Harvesters and Contractors are leaders in waterway improvement in New Zealand. We are solely focused on efficient leading edge methods and systems to dramatically improve the appearance and cleanliness of our waterways. We are leaving a clean green legacy for generations of New Zealanders to come.

Weed harvesting is the best way to clean up our waterways, here’s why….

  • No chemicals are added to our waterways
  • Removes nasty toxins like nitrates and phosphates from the waterways
  • 100% environmentally friendly
  • Dramatically improves appearance of our waterways
  • Makes our waterways more desirable for tourism
  • Creates a cleaner safer living environment for fish and wildlife to grow in numbers.
  • Reduces sediment composting and gas releases that cause algae blooms.
  • Results are immediate, measurable and long lasting.

Other Contracting Services

Lakeweed Harvesters & Contractors are experienced in earthworks, land preparation, landscaping preparation, digger work, back filling, yard work, heavy lifting, rock placements and hole drilling including soak holes, site clean-up works, scrub and land clearing, pipe laying, stump clearing and much more.
  • Earthworks
  • Land preparation
  • Landscaping preparation
  • Hole drilling
  • Digger work
  • Back filling
  • Yard work
  • Land clearing
  • Heavy lifting
  • Rock placements
  • Hole drilling including soak holes
  • Pipe laying and much more


Don’t take our word for it, this is what our clients have to say…

Since harvesting first commenced in 2008 approximately 3,250 to 4,300 tonnes of weed have been removed annually. This harvesting has resulted in the amount of Nitrogen removed from the lake exceeding initial targets set for harvesting within the Lake Rotoehu Action Plan and meeting the entire Nitrogen target for this lake; the end result is a dramatic improvement in water quality for Lake Rotoehu.

Senior Land Management Officer

The project was very successful. Nearly 200 cubic metres of weed was removed, which has made swimming much more of a quality experience for the summer. The weed was removed each day by our contractor and delivered to the Waitahanui Trust’s Worm Farm, where is was gratefully received.

Howard and his staff from Lake Weed Harvesting Services were very helpful and made strenuous efforts to do the best possible job over the three days they were here.

Chairman Acacia Bay Residents Association

About Our Waterways - Why Lake Weed Harvesting?

Here at Lakeweed Harvesters & Contractors we have seen our waterways deteriorate over the years. You don’t have to look far in the media to discover concerns about our clean green image being called to question in New Zealand.

Throughout the waterways of New Zealand, there is a major problem with introduced aquatic weeds that have over taken vast areas in the last 20 years. This is of course unsightly, makes our waterways less accessible for boating, swimming and other water activities and has a negative effect on wildlife living in and around our waterways.

This is where weed harvesting comes in!

By removing aquatic weed; it has the benefit of removing nitrogen, phosphorous and heavy metals out of the water column, so in a sense the weed is like a blotting paper removing the toxins at the same time.

This has an incredible effect on water quality, improving clarity, the abundance of fish and the recreation of quality of the lake.

This is why we are so passionate about sharing the benefits of weed harvesting. We are so sure it is the best way to give back to our waterways. We reckon every kiwi should have access to our world class waterways for generations to come.

Howard Emeny – Owner

Contact Us Today for a Free Job Appraisal